Brandon mendoza
I am a full-time Firefighter/EMT in Emporia, KS . I have three children (Avery, Ember & Trigg), and a great wife, Denise, that supports me in all that I do! She is a vital part of Tornado Alley Waterfowl and I couldn't do it without her! I work 10 days a month at the FD, so that leaves a lot of time to hunt. I have been avidly pursuing waterfowl for the last 27 years. My waterfowling obsession has taken me to Canada, Arkansas and all over the state of Kansas. In my trips to Canada we have competed in several goose shoot competitions. My team has been fortunate enough to place first several times as well as consistently placing in the top five. Hunting waterfowl with a good dog makes the hunt so much more fun and productive and is something I greatly enjoy. Our dogs are valuable conservation tools that we utilize in every hunt; they can find downed game better than any human ever could. The off season allows me to further train our TAW dogs, so they can continue to better their retrieving skills. Whether I am hunting competitively or guiding for clients, I put in nothing less than 100% to produce excellent results. I take my waterfowling very seriously and will go to extremes to get you on the X.

Everett Adkins
I am 48 years old and self employed, doing construction and remodeling. I was raised in the Flint Hills of Kansas. I first started hunting pheasant and quail in my youth. When the upland hunting took a downward trend, I was introduced to waterfowl hunting. Since that time, many days and miles have been spent on the back roads of Kansas scouting and hunting with family. As my network grew, I started hunting with a great group of friends that went on to create Heartland Waterfowl, which currently airs on the Sportsman channel. My time spent with Heartland Waterfowl has lead to many journeys up and down the central flyway. The relationship with those friends lead me to Tornado Alley. The Tornado Alley team shared the same passion and dedication to succeed as HW. A great friendship was formed through those shared hunts and seasons. Hunting with this large group of friends put new meaning into how waterfowl hunting is defined to me. I truly enjoy sharing the sport with others either through a camera lens or the smiles from the blind. To hunt with either of these two groups takes nothing short of 110% dedication to be successful in finishing birds right in front of the blind. I look forward to sharing the unforgettable moments of Kansas waterfowl hunting with all.

Jose Aranda
I am the owner of Aranda’s Bodyshop & Auto Detailing in Emporia, KS. I am 46-years-old. I have one child, Liam who is one. I have been doing all types of hunting since the age of 10, but for the past 19 years waterfowl hunting has been my passion. I am a member of Ducks Unlimited. I am fortunate to have been able to hunt geese and ducks from Canada to Arkansas and all over Kansas. I have been in several goose hunting competitions in Canada where my team has been very successful. We have won several and placed in the top five many times. I spend a lot of time on the back roads scouting to get our clients on the X, as well as maintaining open water in many of our waterfowl hot spots when the temperatures get below freezing. When our hunting season is over you can catch me on the water fishing and working to make the next hunting season more memorable than the last. I hope I get the chance to share some of our great hunting here in Kansas with you next season.

Andy Reaves
I reside in Northwest Minnesota and chase waterfowl all across the Midwest. During the waterfowl off season, you can find me guiding fishing trips on Lake Of The Woods for musky and walleye. I'm chasing fins and feathers 12 months out of the year and it's an amazing adventure. With me along the way is my 4 year old British Yellow Lab Grouse. Together we've been from Minnesota through the Dakotas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas. The hunt is the reward, but I live for the chase; the challenge to try to be one step ahead. As for waterfowl, I've been chasing them since I was 8 (21 years ago) and the fire has grown ever since. I hunted the coast of Maine, rice fields of Arkansas, ponds and fields of Kansas & Oklahoma, the corn fields of Missouri, North & South Dakota and the open water layout and marshes of Minnesota near the Canadian Border. Each year I look forward to the new friendships and bonds as well as sharing the field with familiar faces.
Tyler Gade
I am 36 years old, born and raised on a farm just outside of Heron Lake in southwest Minnesota. I had the privilege of hunting waterfowl at a very young age, being introduced it by my father in the early 90's. Now fast forward 30 years later, I chase waterfowl professionally as a guide for 9 months out of the year with my dog Sash all the way from Alberta Canada to Oklahoma. As a guide, I strive to go above and beyond, putting in the necessary time and energy to make for the best hunting experience possible. Leave the scouting for us, We'll on the next adventure with TAW.