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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do we get to hunt all day?
* No. It is either a morning or an afternoon hunt. Most of the time it is morning but it is going to depend on what the birds are dictating for that specific day. We use the other half of the day to scout for the following day's hunt to make sure that we can give our groups the best hunt possible everyday they are here. we do not hunt the same spot two days in a row unless the birds dictate we do so. We are continuously on the move so scouting is crucial.
2. What size of shells do I need or what works best?
* Of course the shells need to be non-toxic shot (no lead), but the shot size is your personal preference. Our guides all use 3-inch 2's for ducks and 3 inch BB's for geese. We do our best to get the birds in your face so it is an up close and personal hunt.
3. Is the deposit refundable?
* No. We require half of the deposit at the time of booking to hold your dates. Unfortunately this is non-refundable and non-transferable. Our season books very quickly and books full so we don't typically have the option of transferring dates.
4. Will my group be hunting with other groups?
* No. Your group will stay exclusively with you. We do not mix groups during the hunts or at the lodge. We want you to be able to stay with just the group that you came with. On a rare occasion we have combined groups, but this is only done if both groups agree to it.
5. When is the best time to come hunting?
* We are fortunate to have a good huntable number of birds the whole season. We do not start taking groups out until the Thanksgiving time due to the fact that for our area, that is typically when the bird numbers are where we want them to be able to provide the quality hunt that we pride ourselves in. Duck hunting typically gets really good around Christmas time. For both ducks and geese, January tends to be our prime time. Our personal favorite time is the late season. Those end of the season February hunts, however, will be geese only.
6. Does the price of the hunt include my license?
* No. The licenses need to be purchased separately. As of right now, these can be purchased online. We have a Wal-Mart or local farm store that is available for license purchasing however, we strongly suggest getting your licenses before you arrive here for your hunt.
7. Are there meals included in the price?
* yes. The price includes your hunt, lodging and bird processing and only the evening main course ( you prepare it or a $25 dollar voucher to eat a few select local restaurant's). We have elected to not prepare meals for our hunters, due the increase in food allergies in todays society. Some of the TAW family deals with food allergies and know this a real concern. We want all of our hunters to be safe and have no worries about the food preparation of their meals. After all, you are here to hunt and enjoy yourselves.
8. What is the closest airport?
* Emporia ( 2- 8 miles away depending on what lodge you are at) has a small non-commercial airport.
Kansas City (MCI) is about 2 hours away and Wichita is 1.5 hours away; both are commercial airports.
9. Do you have someone to give away birds to?
* No. We do not have any place to give harvested birds to. You will be responsible for all birds that you have harvested, please make sure you have enough coolers to transport these birds home. new and exciting news is that we have recently become a waterfowl preservation facility which makes your travel home with birds much lighter. Following strict guidelines, we are now able to breast out your birds instead of being required to have a fully feathered wing attached for transportation.
10. Are we able to shoot your limit of bird's
* No. You are only allowed to shoot your legal limit of ducks or geese or combination of both. this is a law set by the state and federal fish and game commission. Any game violations will be reported to the local game warden immediately.
11. Are dogs allowed in the lodge?
* No. We are not allowing dogs in any of the lodges at any time. There are areas for your hunting companion to stay outside.
12. Do we need waders?
* No. Waders will not be needed. Many hunters will bring waders to wear to stay warm or if they elect to help set up if we are hunting over water. However, helping set up is not a requirement.
13. Do you have a minimum / maximum number of hunters that is required to book a hunt?
* Yes. We have a minimum of four hunters to book a hunt and a maximum of eight. however, we can accommodate more if needed. Special considerations can be discussed if needed to accommodate a group larger than eight.
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